Turtle season has begun. From July 15th until September, the Caretta-caretta turtles arrive on the beaches to lay their eggs. It is a unique spectacle, and a privilege to witness it, accompanied by researchers who explain their work and the habits of the turtles, measure them and put chips on them to monitor them. You leave from your hotel or apartment and take a pick-up to the beaches where the camps are located. After an introductory presentation, in silence and with the lights off, you reach the place where the animal has chosen to lay its eggs and you wait, always in silence and crouched, for it to start digging the nest and expelling the eggs. Only after it has finished and covered the nest, the researchers measure it and, if it is missing, they put the identification chip on it. Taking photos is prohibited, but it will remain an emotion forever in your heart. Book your excursion on Iloveboavista
