The new Boa Vista Tourism Office was inaugurated on Wednesday, July 9. It is located in Sal Rei and is located on the second floor of the Palàcio Entrada next to the Oasis White Hotel. The President of the Municipal Chamber, Dr. Cláudio Mendonça, the President of the Cape Verde Tourism Institute, Umberto Lélis and the Minister of Tourism and Transport Dr. Carlos Santos were present. All those present expressed satisfaction with the new reception and information point dedicated to tourists.
In particular, Minister Santos highlighted the continued growth in arrivals on the island, now well beyond the pre-pandemic threshold, and the even more positive prospects for the future. Facilities will be introduced by the government to attract digital nomads and seniors, and agreements will be made with both large groups and smaller structures, to promote the economy of Boa Vista. Some projects are aimed at rural tourism and support for the most disadvantaged population, while the lengthening of the airport runway and its lighting are already planned.
